Custom Design Your Own Strip Door
Customize any size strip door or strip curtain. Choose from a variety of strip curtain materials. Various hardware options available.
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Common Kits with Standard Hardware
Common kits with standard face and header mount hardware. Kits are suitable for receiving/loading doors, refrigeration, and other warehousing applications.
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Cooler and Freezer Strip Doors
Low Temperature Strip Doors (also known as polar or freezer grade) for cold environments.
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Loop Mount Kits
Looped Strip Curtains can be mounted over a rod or bar and provide for quick installation. Kits come with aluminum low profile bar.
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Stand Off Mount Kits
Stand-off Mount Hardware allows for installation of a strip door for a doorway where there is an existing conventional roll-up door.
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Amber and yellow strip kits
Amber Weld kits and yellow semi transparent kits are common in applications where visibility needs to be reduced. They are also effective and reducing harmful UV rays.
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Sliding strip door kits
Sliding Strip Doors are a practical solution to applications in which the strip curtains need to be moved. Doors can be bi-parting or single sliding (one way).
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Sliding Accordion Strip Kits
Accordion Mount Door Kits allow strips to turn, pivot and retract off to the sides of an opening.
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Truck Mount Kits
Truck and Trailer Strip Curtains are typically manufactured from 8” strips with a 50% overlap. Kits are usually mounted into the ceiling of the truck body.
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Anti Static Strip Curtains
Anti static strip curtains are common in clean rooms and Data Centers. Strips dissipate static build up and prevent static discharge.
Order Online Exhaust Hood Strip Enclosures
Strip Curtains are commonly hung around exhaust hoods and vents to help contain and siphon pollutants.
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Strip Curtain Walls
Strip Curtains are commonly installed in warehousing and refrigeration applications.
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Strip Curtain Enclosures with Frames
Strip Curtains are commonly installed to created enclosures or cubicles.
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Replacement Strips
Common Grades of pvc strips include standard and low temperature, amber weld and ribbed, safety orange and opaque amongst many more.
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Refrigeration – Cooler Case Curtains
Cooler Case Curtains Velcro to the top of Reach in Coolers which are common in grocery stores and supermarkets.
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Vinyl Strip Door
Common Grades of vinyl strips include standard and low temperature, amber weld and ribbed, safety orange and opaque amongst many more.
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Plastic Strip Door
Plastic strip doors increase sanitation, help maintain temperatures and reduce costly hydro.
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